Kids are a big deal to us at Here’s Hope Church!
Families are welcome to keep their children with them for the duration of our worship services, or they are free to use our volunteer-supported nursery and/or lower elementary program.
Older elementary and middle school students (as well as younger children remaining in service) are welcome to use the Bible study journals or coloring books found on the tables leading into the sanctuary. At the back of the Bible study journals, students will find “Sermon Guides” to help them pay attention and learn. If you are visiting, we ask that you return these materials to their tables at the conclusion of the service.
Your children’s safety is of the utmost importance to us. We perform background checks on all of our volunteers and take other security measures to ensure a safe setting.
Nursery (Birth-Preschool):
Our nursery is available for families during the entire worship service. Our loving volunteers are delighted to look after little ones who need a safe place to get their wiggles out and hear about Jesus at the same time.
In our nursery you will find a variety of age-appropriate toys, board books, storybook Bibles, coloring books, and a changing table.
Preschoolers (ages 3-5) in our nursery may briefly join our K-3 class to sing songs, memorize Bible verses, and/or hear Bible stories.
Lower Elementary Program (Kindergarten-3rd Grade):
Our K-3 students use the Gospel Story curriculum by Marty Machowski. The Gospel Story curriculum is a three-year program comprising 156 lessons divided equally between Old Testament and New Testament–78 lessons in each.
Students are dismissed for class just before the sermon.
We encourage families to use the companion devotionals, Long Story Short (Old Testament) and Old Story New (New Testament), at home to help reinforce the lessons our team of volunteers share each week.
We also memorize scripture together using the SWORD Bible Memory program. This program is designed to help families memorize God’s Word together month by month. Since we memorize a passage over the course of a month, verses do not always connect to a particular classroom lesson. But, by spending more time on one passage rather than a short time on a new one each week, the children are better able to remember and retain what
they memorize.
Our K-3 students adopt a country to pray for each month as well. Most of these countries are included on the 2022 World Watch List put out by Open Doors.
To join us in praying for our students and volunteers and to keep up with our current lesson, SWORD memory verse, and adopted country, please pick up our monthly newsletter located on the podium outside the Hope Kids’ classroom.